Monday, August 11, 2008

For the person Who Has Everything . . .

In searching for a locket that Santa might deep appropriate for Abigail for Christmas, I ran across this from the MoMA. Framed DNA. You swab whoever's mouth, send off the sample after choosing your colors, and then the send you a framable DNA sample. Good for conversation piece, eh! Or, framed thumbprint! Just make sure that the giftee doesn't have a shady past...


  1. Now WHY didn't I know this back when I was in the Radiology program at the U of I? We used to develop all the DNA films, because they are donw on x ray film. And basically look exactly like the picture you posted, only in clear and black. I could have been RICH if I knew you could color them and sell them! Damn, I'm always missing my boat.....

  2. Pop art at its finest. Personal, original, and no one else will have one!
