Friday, April 3, 2009

April Snows...

If April Showers bring May flowers, what do April snows bring? These pics were taken outside our place just moments ago. It is overcast and blowing snow. I feel like I'm in a "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" set. Still sweeping snow off the porch in April. I mean, come ON! It's even on the calendar that it's supposed to be spring. So, hopefully you're a little sunnier than we are here.


  1. Brrrrr...what's up with snow in April? It's perfectly gorgeous here...sunny, around 80, with a slight breeze! :) Just thought I'd rub it in...

    Danika P

  2. AMEN!!! what in THEEE heck is up with the weather? At least we got a few warm days in there.
    Last year was HORRIBLE. It was the end of May, and it was 30 degrees and still blowing snow drifts. I remember thinking, "we are days away from June, and there is snow on my car."
    Makes me hate the snow. Go away, snow!
