Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Today marks our 11th Anniversary. At this time 11 years ago, I was winding up the California coast in my wedding dress with a hot groom in a two seater Honda CR-X. It had been a long day, a bit overcast, but perfect for photos. We had family and grandparents with us at our sealing in Oakland Temple, and dear dear dear friends. Since then, we've spent quite a few anniversaries apart, so it's nice to have one together this year. The children and I all went out to Thanksgiving Point to have a picnic with Matthew between rain and hail storms. And that about summarizes our first decade. Grab the good times while you can, it looks like hail!
In 11 years, we've racked up some amazing tallies. We have:
Lived in 5 different states
Attended school in two
Moved our family at least 12 times
Have three kids - each one about 4 years apart
Together visited Europe, and Matthew went to South America,
and we have more friends than we can count.

What a wild ride! And its not over yet. Hang on darling, we've got another decade ahead...
It's overwhelming - almost to tears - to select pictures over this time frame and realize how much we've done together. Matthew is my best friend. He's a wonderful provider, an excellent father, and someone you want in the foxhole with you.

Cheers darling, I love you!


  1. Ya!!! for being in love and making life work for you two. Congratulations on the Anniversary and I said... it ONLY gets better! Give each other a kiss and a squeeze and be thrilled you found each other! Ya for love! I'm glad I was able to be with you on your special day!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I love looking at old photos of people (heaven knows everyone has seen enough of them on my blog...)! I didn't know Matthew was a Secret Service intern - how cool!

  3. What a delightful post! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  4. I love that slide show - I love seeing how people i have only known in the "now" looked "then". Thanks for the trip down your memory lane! Happy Anniversary!!!

  5. Congratulations! 11 years! You two make such a cute couple. And you five make a wonderful family! Happy anniversary!

  6. This post just made me smile. Matthew's Secret Service pic makes me laugh every time. Where's the one of you with Sammy Davis Jr.? To many more you two!!!

  7. Many congrats to you! Loved looking at all of the pictures.

  8. Hey Katrina! I love your up-do in the photo with the white blouse! SO - thanks for the advice you posted for me. I can really wrap my head around a to do list that starts and ends with eating! I love that you have stayed in touch with all the Chandler folk even after moving. Good on ya mate! I wish we could have rematched you two in Settlers of Zarahemla!

  9. Great video! Hope it was a great anniversary for you two. What a blessing it is to have your family here in Utah now!!! Spend all the rest of your anniversary's here too OK!!!
