“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.”
~ Joseph Campbell
I saw this, and laughed how I thought it applied to my ancestor cards. "How did you do it? What gave you the idea?" Well. The fuzzy lint in my brain just wanted to. I wanted to have the equivalent to ancestor baseball cards: something with all of their "stats" so I would be able to put a face to a name, and know a little bit about each of my ancestors. The stories I'd grown up with kinda blended, and as I found out later, were sometimes connected with the wrong person. And I wanted my kids to know their histories as well. Without even one of them, there would be no us. My own children carry half of my husbands genes, and I couldn't tell them hardly anything about my husbands ancestors. But I didn't always have a clear cut idea of how to fix that. How the cards started out, and how they ended up are quite the process, but I'll try and outline it here just in case you want to make some of your own.
I got to see these at the equivalent of a "Tupperware Party" my Cousin Faye put on, and it got me thinking about how great it would be to make trading cards, or baseball cards for our ancestors; something with all their "stats" in a nice compact place. I'd never seen it done before, but *pshhht* how hard could it be? Right? I'm a 4th 5th or 6 th generation Mormon, it should be easy to pull up all this stuff.
The only known publisher that *I* know of for a (nice!) deck of cards is "Heritage Makers." If you start an account, and then go under "Photo gifts", you can find the printable deck of cards.
For $24.99 + s/h, you can get 52 cards and the option to add as many cards as you want for $0.50 each. They offer a monthly charge for their "Premiere" package, but I had SO MUCH to put on each card, I didn't need any special do-dads or papers. You can see that there is less than a 1/4" of the basic color around each card. The rest is all my photos, downloaded icons, and my own info. The program insists that everything be in .jpg format, so, word to the wise.
I ordered two decks "at a special price" ($20 each if you order RIGHT NOW!), one for his family, and one for mine. Now - if you think about it - if you are doing 4 generations for you and your spouse, there is exactly ONE family that will want a full deck. Your very own family. My parents and their family are not terribly interested in half of the deck of cards, and the same goes for my hubby's family. But if you buy two decks, you can split a full deck, and send half of one to his family, and the other half to your family. Two full decks take care of 3 families. :D
The first thing I had to decide was how to split up the 52 cards. That ends in a weird number of generations, so we did the math and realized that if we each did four generations back (starting with our parents), we would need 30 cards each. That means we would just have to add 8 cards ($4 - not bad). I printed off a pedigree chart and then made some digital folders on my computer and started to organize.
STEP ONE: Just like the pedigree chart above, it is the best way to organize your files. I am number 1. My Dad is #2, my mom is #3 and so on. You should have 30 files for you and your four generations, and also 30 for your spouse. Keeping the numerical order as well as the names of each ancestor in number order will SERIOUSLY help you to keep things straight as the project goes along.
STEP TWO: If you have computer files, you can start making relevant copies of pictures and documents into each ancestor file. If there's a wedding photo with grandparents and great- grandparents, copy that pic 4 times. Drop one in each file. When you run out of information on your computer, contact the genealogy nut in the family, or people you know who have the biggest amount of pictures and information. Tell them what you want, and hold on. Its about to get fun.
STEP THREE: Back to the cards: I opened up the program, added 8 cards and picked out a basic (free) color for each of four lines, and began to copy/paste. My dad's ancestor line has a red background, my mom is yellow. Matthew's dad has a blue background, and his mom's is green. Should the cards ever get shuffled, you at least have a snowball's chance in hell of putting all 60 cards back in order. I toyed with the idea of giving each couple a unique color to help keep the couples straight, but ran up against a deadline, and... a fear that they would start looking junky. I also toyed with the idea of doing my own extended family. All of my siblings would be orange (red + yellow = orange, get it!?), and all of Matthew's would be a blue/green teal kinda color, but... that hasn't happened yet. Project #2 perhaps. For this project, we just went BACK in time.
STEP FOUR: Grab your pedigree charts. After the color background was copied, I put two plain boxes on each card; one on the top and bottom of each card. Consistency is nice, so it was super easy to pick a nameplate size, and then do copy/paste for the 60 cards. That'll take you a little bit. For the box on the top of the card, I picked a nice legible font (this is not the time for frou frou fonts - the cards are small, and you need to be able to read them!). For ease and history's sake I put their name AND nickname. For women, we left their maiden name for spacing sake, "Marion Naomi Crofts Worthen," went just a tad over my space limit (and I had to keep reducing the font to make it fit), so we just left the maiden name. If the person went by a nick-name, we put that below their "official" name. "Daddy Bish" or "Cuddles."
My own mother, whose offical name is "Margaret," has gone by "Midge" her whole entire life, and I always referred to her mother as, "Grandma Grace." We also put a baby buggy icon to indicate how many children each woman had, and a + (name) if they helped to raise someone. I had quite a few relatives that became primary care-givers to grandchildren or nieces/nephews. Also, an angel Moroni icon to indicate the first ancestor to join the Mormon church, and a wagon icon to indicate a pioneer that crossed the plains. I made an icon for Polygamous families, but didn't have anyone to use it on. :/ Oh well.
On the bottom box we included the following information:
Birth date and place. I also put the flag of their birth place up in the top right hand corner under their name so you could easily see the different countries that their ancestors came from. For ancestors with no photo, and no information, we used this information to put up a map to show where they came from. ----> Matthew moved his to the left top, but since it was getting done, I wasn't going to complain.
Mission - if they served one - including name of the mission, the years that they served, and if it is a vague area, like "The Southern States Mission" I try to include the areas where they served primarily. (KY) for Kentucky.
Marriage date and place, AND ( in parenthesis) a few bits of information. After "Marriage" I put the total times the person was married in their lifetime. This... can be surprising. Also, I put how old my relative was when they got married to my other ancestor. On another line, to help keep everyone straight, I put their spouses name and how old THEY were when they got married. "Hey dad! Did you know that your mom was only 19 when she got married, and your dad was only 20?" He didn't. You find some interesting pairings, like this one ---; who knew there were cougars in Mississippi!
Emigration information. I wanted to put where they came to the USA, when, and the name of the ship, where possible. If they did emigrate, we also put an icon of a ship up on their name plate.
Death date, and place.
STEP FIVE: Photos - We wanted our primary photo to be a picture of each ancestor taken in about their twenties. Its easier to trace family resemblances, and see certain defining characteristics on a young adult face. Where possible, we also tried to post a baby picture, and a picture of them as they aged. Very few have all three, but it was fun to search.
We also took pictures of any heirlooms associated with that person. These are SO much easier to have now that photo-phones are available. For example, on the card for Marion Swan below, there is a picture of an heirloom ring that is passed down to the youngest daughter of the youngest daughter. I had my mother snap a picture of the ring with her cell phone and send it so it could be included with the card.
If known, I also added:
What musical instrument they played
Something to indicate their profession,
Whether they were a Boy Scout, and what rank they attained,
Military service, if any. Hobbies when there was space (gardening, photography, baking specialties, and trashy magazines like "True Story" they loved to read *nods*. Oh yes!)
Anything connected to a defining story involving them or other items of peculiar interest.
If a photo wasn't available, then a picture of their headstone, and map associated with that person.
Photos of things that they made, like quilts, or loved to use - like my great grandmother's favorite tea cup. On one, I have my great-grandmother's wedding invitation, and her calling card from her missionary days. My grandpa has his business sign.
And, to me, the "piece de resistance" were the signatures. Matthew and I searched through marriage certificates, old letters, death certificates, books, and just about everywhere you can think of to get as many signatures as we could. Of all things, it is the only thing that is truly representative of your ancestor. I think only a thumbprint could be more personal.
We found that there were many, many sources of information about our ancestors. We started off with pictures and other information that had already been collected by our parents. From there, we started looking on the Internet and found websites and blogs where unknown cousins were sharing pictures, documents and other treasures we didn't know existed. For our Utah ancestors, we hit the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers who preserve life histories and rare photos. We also used free trial memberships to sites such as Ancestry.com to explore records such as census, war records, pictures and many other resources we didn't know existed. For example, we knew that one ancestor has traveled frequently out of the country. Ancestry had copies of passport applications from nearly a hundred years ago that contained family portraits and pictures that we never dreamed of finding. We also found that the BYU library has a special collection of photographs, diaries and histories (the L. Tom Perry Special Collection) and we were surprised to find several of our ancestors in their collection. There many other free online resources such as the Utah digital newspapers archive, death certificate index (great for finding signatures), and FamilySearch.org with information and historical documents that can be had for free. Finally, when we had noting else, we researched cemetery records and snapped a photo of the grave stone to that no ancestor's card was completely empty.
It has been a labor of love. I have been shocked, and amazed at what I have discovered throughout this process. I am grateful beyond words for what we HAVE been able to find. I gave up on many an ancestor as a "hopeless cause" for ever finding a photograph or a signature, and have been delighted BEYOND WORDS, to have found it in a passport photo, or a signature in a book, or a letter that someone had in a bottom drawer somewhere. Matthew will tell you too, that the things we were able to find are far greater than we had even hoped for after our initial start with this project. Just keep digging, just keep digging...
Now that its done, I have put the cards in a baseball card keeper, and I just sit and flip through them. Nearly in tears for the amount of work it took, and how WONDERFUL it is now to know so much about each one. As a little prompt, I put a little quote on each of my cards, either about the person, or something that they said - so that you could immediately know something about each one. So that they could be real and wonderful. Perhaps you don't think you can relate to that old guy in a stiff colar, but wait til you find out that he had a star tattoo on each hand the size of a silver dollar, a danish flag tattoo on his forearm, and an entire ship across his chest that he could flex to make the flag "wave". Yes. I think you will love him!
Grandma Grace's sister wrote, "Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead; we also are capable of bringing people back to life, merely by writing about them." Though these cards have been printed, the work is not yet done. We are still receiving documents, signatures, and life histories from the descendants of these people. There is more to be had, and once you start scratching the surface, you just want to dig more and more and more. That talent for quilting that you thought was your own ambition, can actually be traced back to your great great grandmother. That wit, and humor that you thought was the only one in the family crops up with your bald great-grandpa wearing a black wig in a convertible to scare his wife and give her a laugh in his bright colored tie. Its odd to describe how you find yourself as you go looking in your past. They are part of you, and you are part of them. Its a beautiful thing - and totally worth working for.
So, good luck on your own journey. I wish you the best as you forge your own trail and discovery! Just remember - this is a great project for the young. Even though you have kids all around your ankles, and it seems like its crazy, you are in the best position to remember, to ask, and to record. It took me until the last, ultimate deadline, 2 years after I started, but I did it. Just a box, color, and photo at a time. Once you see what you have, you will know what you're looking for. Happy Hunting!
What a great idea!! I was going to do portrait cards for my grandson who lives two states away so he can know his close relatives. This goes along perfectly with that. You put so much into these--they are perfect!
This is amazing. I'm bookmarking in case I ever get this organized. I'm at the beginning of the process of collecting histories from all 'branches". Neat way to display information.
Just wondering if you'd be willing to share the Heritage Makers template with me? My acct# is 392057....I love this project, good for you. I was thinking it would be fun to somehow make it into a game. But that's probably biting off more than I can chew. Thanks for sharing.
Template Question: Um - you just put boxes, and then as you are going from card to card, you just do a "copy/paste". Its not a template per se. It's a little tedious, but totally doable!
As for the back - it only lets you pick one picture for the back of all of the cards. For Matthew's family, we did a photo with his parents and all the children/grandchildren, and on my cards, we have the latest forward generation picture. To me, it kinda shows how the past meets the future.
Also - if you want me to email you - please leave your addy! mine is :katrinanc@gmail.com if you want to ask me anything directly. :D
I just found this on Pinterest. This is really NEAT! What a wonderful way to display family history. So easy to see at a glance all kinds of info. about an ancestor. Absolutely brilliant.
I say get ready to be bombarded. I found this on pinterest too. I think this is amazing. I want to do this. Thanks you for posting pictures and directions as to how it was done! Melissa
WOW! That is an incredible amount of work...I know, because I've been collecting similar information. You've given me quite a few ideas of things like signatures, that I never thought to look for specifically. That's a lot of work...but you've got me going now. I hope I saw this in time for Christmas! Thanks for the fantastic idea!
Would love it if you published your cards so we could all benefit from your hard work. Understand if you don't want to but it would be great to drag and drop our own pictures and text in and utilize some of your colors, icons and things. This has hit pinterest so you might be getting a lot of interest. Thanks for the idea!
I love this. I have been working on my family genealogy and this would be great. Could you share your template? My Heritage Makers account is 629011. Thank you very much.
Wonderful project to make our ancestors more meaningful to us. I plan to do this at some point when I've gathered all the information you did! (currently going through censuses and such to get occupations, etc.) Thank you for posting this idea!
I am related to Lucy Ann Cutler, wife of Arthur John Crane. Do you have any photos of her or her girls from her first marriage? Like you, I'm trying to find as many pictures as I can. Debbie - mrsdeb007@comcast.net
This is amazing! I would love to link to your work on the website our ward uses to show people how to do this if that is acceptable? I would love to include some snapshots of the work that you've done as well if that's okay.
This has totally inspired me as well. Thank you for the wonderful idea. I would also be interested in the icons, if you are able to share. Thank you! cassiepierson@gmail.com
So glad that Pintrest showed your project! I'm not ready to commit to such a big project, but now I know to collect tidbits for it, for later when I'm ready. Awesome idea. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Jenny, My name is Carla Devine, I am the editor of heART Journal Magazine I would like to talk to you about a tutorial for our magazine. I couldn't find your email on this site. Would you please email me at heartjournalmag at gmail dot com?
This is such an awesome idea - I know my grown sons will love the baseball card format. I'm alreay into the genealogy for our ancestors so maybe by next Christmas I can make this happen. Thank you for the inspiration!
I absolutely love this idea!!! I'm going to do this for my oldest son who is catching my enthusiasm for genealogy. Thank you so much for your tutorial!
Thank you for so freely sharing your charming and brilliant idea. I had thought of doing an email newsletter once a month featuring an ancestor so my nieces and nephews can know them. It would be lovely to make these into ancestor cards. You are very generous to pass on your expertise.
Awesome idea. I am going threw all four grandparents trees. So many people and many of them have the same names ... Awesome idea to keep them all straight.
Awesomeness! Thanks for sharing such a fun and lovely idea! I marvel at your drive and ability to collect and compile all these details. The potential of this idea is inspiring and i'm hopeful that it will also help inspire my younger generationers--sure beats out pokemon! ;o> Thanks for sharing!
Found this on pinterest i am looking for a way to tell the family story and you told it so eloquently. thank you. I just started interest in Scrapbooking and think this may be wob ven into a project.
What a great idea. All those years when I collected baseball (and other sports) cards and worked on genealogy and I never thought to combine the two. I'm so excited by this, thanks for writing it up.
Mytradingcards is offering the best and good options for the match attax and trading cards. We give also options for the Trading Cards and Adrenalyn XL.
Well here it is...almost a full six years since you posted this and your still getting noticed and comments. You done good!, LOL. I not only love this idea but admire your creativity and just had to tell you that. I just saw a link from a genealogy facebook group, so your still being shared around on the net.
The other reason I had to write was to tell you I loved your blog post, how it was written and how the flow kept me interested in reading more. So well done in fact that I want to come back and read more of what you write so I bookmarked you.
Thank you so very much for sharing your words, your creativity, and a part of your family.
I just found this on Pinterest. It's the best thing I've seen in a long time. I was thinking of making family scrapbooks for my siblings, but I like this idea much better as it will not take up as much space as a scrapbook, but provide just as much information. My siblings are not very interested in genealogy, but I want to pass on the information in case their children will be. This is perfect - thanks for sharing!
What a great idea for sharing information with children and grandchildren! My daughter told me about these amazing ancestor cards, and I am finally getting around to attempting this project. I've collected everything I need and I'm now ready to begin. My problem is that I can't figure out how to navigate the Heritage Makers website. I don't know how to add cards to the deck or add a basic color. I could really use some help! Thanks so much for any help provided!
We just attended the funeral of my Uncle, and I began thinking about how I can bless my big family, and the idea of ancestor cards came to mind. I thought about what Solomon said "nothing is new under the sun" and low and behold, I found your blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us how you did it! (Ecclesiastes 1:4-11) God bless, Shelley Hunt
I am so impressed! My mother has Alzheimers disease and we can no longer hear the stories, or have her tell us the history. several of my family members have missed out. I'm going to attempt this project and give them the cards. Thanks for posting this. I'm lucky & blessed I found your PIN.
I love this idea. I want to do something for my children but didn't want it too "dry" and this is and excellent idea? I plan on trying. Question: how did you put the fronts and backs together or did I miss the explanation. sue mason ames
I just happened across this. I would love to do this, but I don't have any knowledge of photoshop and all of those things. I feel like I would be lost in the process. I am already lost in just collecting the data. :) I am happy for you!! Lovely idea.
I'm a Mormon mom with a darling husband (just look at him!), a 10 yr old girl, a 6 yr boy, a 2 yr old and a 9 month old baby boy all under one roof. We have a crazy-bonkers life with a whirlwind of laundry, grocery shopping, errands, and keeping up with the general rigmarole.
Organization is something I strive for, so that I might find the Holy Grail of "free time." So far, I've only found bits and pieces.
I'm not too sure what I want to be when I grow up, but so far all I have is a long list of things I DON'T want to do.
So, I bake cookies, wander around in heels n' pearls contemplating what to make my hubby for dinner.
Now, if you believe that, you probably don't know me very well. :D Read on . . .
I grovel in your presence! Amazing!!!
Thank you little sis! I hope this tutorial is helpful as you are my lone comment-tater. :)
WoW!!! What commitment and pure amazingness! One day when I grow up, I hope to be wonderwoman like you!!
This is an absolutely fabulous idea. I think I will give it a go.
What a great idea!! I was going to do portrait cards for my grandson who lives two states away so he can know his close relatives. This goes along perfectly with that. You put so much into these--they are perfect!
Awesome tutorial!
Were these their playing cards, so the other side is actually a number or a face card?
This is amazing. I'm bookmarking in case I ever get this organized. I'm at the beginning of the process of collecting histories from all 'branches". Neat way to display information.
Just wondering if you'd be willing to share the Heritage Makers template with me? My acct# is 392057....I love this project, good for you. I was thinking it would be fun to somehow make it into a game. But that's probably biting off more than I can chew.
Thanks for sharing.
Template Question: Um - you just put boxes, and then as you are going from card to card, you just do a "copy/paste". Its not a template per se. It's a little tedious, but totally doable!
As for the back - it only lets you pick one picture for the back of all of the cards. For Matthew's family, we did a photo with his parents and all the children/grandchildren, and on my cards, we have the latest forward generation picture. To me, it kinda shows how the past meets the future.
Also - if you want me to email you - please leave your addy! mine is :katrinanc@gmail.com if you want to ask me anything directly. :D
I found this on pinterest thanks for sharing! Awesome idea!
I just found this on Pinterest. This is really NEAT! What a wonderful way to display family history. So easy to see at a glance all kinds of info. about an ancestor. Absolutely brilliant.
Awesome, thanks for sharing! I am going to start making designing my own instead of using the program.
I say get ready to be bombarded. I found this on pinterest too. I think this is amazing. I want to do this. Thanks you for posting pictures and directions as to how it was done!
WOW! That is an incredible amount of work...I know, because I've been collecting similar information. You've given me quite a few ideas of things like signatures, that I never thought to look for specifically. That's a lot of work...but you've got me going now. I hope I saw this in time for Christmas!
Thanks for the fantastic idea!
Would love it if you published your cards so we could all benefit from your hard work. Understand if you don't want to but it would be great to drag and drop our own pictures and text in and utilize some of your colors, icons and things. This has hit pinterest so you might be getting a lot of interest. Thanks for the idea!
I am so making these for my family! Super Awesome stuff!
Thank you very much!!!
I Love, Love, Love This Idea! I like making ATC (artist trading cards), so this is right up my alley, so to speak! I'm pinning ya! :)
I love this. I have been working on my family genealogy and this would be great. Could you share your template? My Heritage Makers account is 629011. Thank you very much.
Wonderful project to make our ancestors more meaningful to us. I plan to do this at some point when I've gathered all the information you did! (currently going through censuses and such to get occupations, etc.) Thank you for posting this idea!
I beleive I am related to the Swan on this card. Do you have more information on the Swan family you would share?
I am related to Lucy Ann Cutler, wife of Arthur John Crane. Do you have any photos of her or her girls from her first marriage? Like you, I'm trying to find as many pictures as I can.
Debbie - mrsdeb007@comcast.net
I also found this on pinterest and I LOVE the idea. Just curious, is the backside of the card just a traditional playing card?
I love this! Thanks for sharing what you did.
This is amazing! I would love to link to your work on the website our ward uses to show people how to do this if that is acceptable? I would love to include some snapshots of the work that you've done as well if that's okay.
Artscow has a deck of cards for $11.99.
Would you be willing to share the icons you made, like the angel Moroni, the baby buggy, etc? My email is Inmank2000@msn.com. Thanks so much!
This is wonderful and so inspiring! I am going to start on a set!!!
This has totally inspired me as well. Thank you for the wonderful idea. I would also be interested in the icons, if you are able to share. Thank you!
So glad that Pintrest showed your project! I'm not ready to commit to such a big project, but now I know to collect tidbits for it, for later when I'm ready. Awesome idea. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Jenny, My name is Carla Devine, I am the editor of heART Journal Magazine I would like to talk to you about a tutorial for our magazine. I couldn't find your email on this site. Would you please email me at heartjournalmag at gmail dot com?
After seeing your tutorial I'm determined to make these as Christmas gifts. Thank you for sharing.
This is such an awesome idea - I know my grown sons will love the baseball card format. I'm alreay into the genealogy for our ancestors so maybe by next Christmas I can make this happen. Thank you for the inspiration!
I absolutely love this idea!!! I'm going to do this for my oldest son who is catching my enthusiasm for genealogy. Thank you so much for your tutorial!
Thank you for so freely sharing your charming and brilliant idea. I had thought of doing an email newsletter once a month featuring an ancestor so my nieces and nephews can know them. It would be lovely to make these into ancestor cards. You are very generous to pass on your expertise.
Awesome idea. I am going threw all four grandparents trees. So many people and many of them have the same names ... Awesome idea to keep them all straight.
Awesomeness! Thanks for sharing such a fun and lovely idea! I marvel at your drive and ability to collect and compile all these details. The potential of this idea is inspiring and i'm hopeful that it will also help inspire my younger generationers--sure beats out pokemon! ;o> Thanks for sharing!
Found this on pinterest i am looking for a way to tell the family story and you told it so eloquently. thank you. I just started interest in Scrapbooking and think this may be wob
ven into a project.
What an AMAZING idea. Thank you so much for sharing it with the world!
I love this idea. Created an account at Heritage Makers. Now trying to figure it all out.
How fabulous. Would love to do this. Is on the bucket list!
What a great idea. All those years when I collected baseball (and other sports) cards and worked on genealogy and I never thought to combine the two. I'm so excited by this, thanks for writing it up.
How do you copy the card? I am trying, but it is only allowing me to copy one element at a time.
How do you copy the card? I am trying, but it is only allowing me to copy one element at a time.
Just excellent! Great way to get the kids interested in their heritage!
Mytradingcards is offering the best and good options for the match attax and trading cards. We give also options for the Trading Cards and Adrenalyn XL.
Well here it is...almost a full six years since you posted this and your still getting noticed and comments. You done good!, LOL. I not only love this idea but admire your creativity and just had to tell you that. I just saw a link from a genealogy facebook group, so your still being shared around on the net.
The other reason I had to write was to tell you I loved your blog post, how it was written and how the flow kept me interested in reading more. So well done in fact that I want to come back and read more of what you write so I bookmarked you.
Thank you so very much for sharing your words, your creativity, and a part of your family.
I love these ideas!! Also! You are my relative! John Crane is my great great Grandpa on my mom's paternal side! So hey, Cousin! 😊
*Arthur John Crane
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this idea, it is absolutely fantastic!
WOW! Now I know what to do with all those empty trading card sheets and the binders left behind. This is amazing, thanks for sharing!
I just found this on Pinterest. It's the best thing I've seen in a long time. I was thinking of making family scrapbooks for my siblings, but I like this idea much better as it will not take up as much space as a scrapbook, but provide just as much information. My siblings are not very interested in genealogy, but I want to pass on the information in case their children will be. This is perfect - thanks for sharing!
What a great idea for sharing information with children and grandchildren! My daughter told me about these amazing ancestor cards, and I am finally getting around to attempting this project. I've collected everything I need and I'm now ready to begin. My problem is that I can't figure out how to navigate the Heritage Makers website. I don't know how to add cards to the deck or add a basic color. I could really use some help!
Thanks so much for any help provided!
Terry Jenson
We just attended the funeral of my Uncle, and I began thinking about how I can bless my big family, and the idea of ancestor cards came to mind. I thought about what Solomon said "nothing is new under the sun" and low and behold, I found your blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us how you did it!
(Ecclesiastes 1:4-11)
God bless,
Shelley Hunt
I am so impressed! My mother has Alzheimers disease and we can no longer hear the stories, or have her tell us the history. several of my family members have missed out. I'm going to attempt this project and give them the cards. Thanks for posting this. I'm lucky & blessed I found your PIN.
I love this idea. I want to do something for my children but didn't want it too "dry" and this is and excellent idea? I plan on trying. Question: how did you put the fronts and backs together or did I miss the explanation. sue mason ames
I just happened across this. I would love to do this, but I don't have any knowledge of photoshop and all of those things. I feel like I would be lost in the process. I am already lost in just collecting the data. :)
I am happy for you!! Lovely idea.
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